George Lucas is not cool anymore. The Star Wars prequels were the work of a man far too infatuated with his own universe and out of touch with ours. Which is why it was so cool and surprising that he lent his voice to this brilliant Robot Chicken special. Unlike Family Guy, which lazily crammed its main characters in the familiar roles for Blue Harvest, Chicken offers a tangential series of offstage farces. From Darth Vader's whiny phone call to the Emperor's "office" after the explosion of the first Death Star to the unforeseen consequences of Obi-Wan dropping a lightsaber, the special is hilarious and infinitely rewatchable. It's hard to fathom that the scrawny kid from Can't Hardly Wait and Idle Hands has turned into such a versatile, ahead-of-the-pack comedian, but what can we say: Seth Green (along with Robot Chickenco-creator Matthew Senreich) makes us laugh.