Sean Connery, Michael Caine. In an effort to deliver an early knockout blow to the Nazis, the Allies launched Operation Market Garden in Holland. This all-star cast re-enacts that failed endeavor on the site of the actual battlefields in this stellar, big-budget drama. 1977/color/176 min/PG.
Sean Connery, Michael Caine. In an effort to deliver an early knockout blow to the Nazis, the Allies launched Operation Market Garden in Holland. This all-star cast re-enacts that failed endeavor on the site of the actual battlefields in this stellar, big-budget drama. 1977/color/176 min/PG.
Sean Connery, Michael Caine. In an effort to deliver an early knockout blow to the Nazis, the Allies launched Operation Market Garden in Holland. This all-star cast re-enacts that failed endeavor on the site of the actual battlefields in this stellar, big-budget drama. 1977/color/176 min/PG.